State Chamber Wants Clarity for Employers Dealing with Medical Marijuana Patients

In its ninth meeting since being formed, the legislative Medical Marijuana Work Group heard the concerns of the State Chamber of Oklahoma concerning medical cannabis in the workplace. The business organization was focused on workplace safety, but also wanted employers to have more power concerning employees who test positive for marijuana use. The State Chamber also called for medical marijuana to be treated the same as other prescription meds under the Oklahoma Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act. Additionally, the State Chamber would like to have federal contractors and subcontractors exempted from the state’s medical marijuana law.

When asked during the hearing, State Chamber President and CEO Fred Morgan said he believed a special session to “get it right” was warranted. House Democrats have been calling for a special session to work on statutory language which would clarify gray areas. A follow up question revealed Morgan’s reason for a special session differed than the Democrats; he wants the Legislature to delay the implementation of State Question 788.

You can watch Wednesday’s hearing in the Oklahoma House video below.

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