Sharp Continues “Hands Free” Fight

Senator Ron Sharp plans to continue his quest to pass a law restricting the use of phones and other electronic devices while driving. Sharp has worked for years on distracted driving laws and says that the numbers are just too high to stop at prohibiting texting while driving. He wants drivers to put down the phone.

“Currently, texting while driving or using any device to surf the internet or post to social media is illegal.  However, drivers can still hold their phone to talk or use other electronic devices while driving,” said Sharp. “Last year, there were nearly 8,800 crashes and 35 deaths, including three in my Senate district, caused by distracted driving throughout the state. We need to strengthen the law.  It’s just too dangerous and the costs are too high. We must do all we can to make Oklahoma’s roads safer.”

Sharp filed Senate Bill 1088 which would outlaw the use of any kind of hand-held device while driving, unless it is with a hands-free device.

According the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO), in 2018 approximately 21,000 people were involved in nearly 8,800 crashes caused by distracted driving. Of those, nearly 1,800 admitted to using an electronic device while driving.

“The collision reports show that more than 90 percent of distracted driving accidents last year weren’t caused by alcohol, drugs, illness or being tired. Most of these individuals were distracted by electronic devices or something else in their vehicle.  While we can’t prevent all the distractions that happen inside vehicles, we can stop the use of electronic devices without hands-free capabilities,” Sharp said.  “We’ve got to take this issue seriously and help keep Oklahoma drivers’ eyes on the road where they belong.”

SB 1088 will be considered in the next legislative session beginning in February.

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  1. wld, 30 October, 2019

    Another republican in name only who believes in expansion of government interference in our lives? I thought republicans were for less government power in our lives.


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