Leonard Sullivan Passes Away

Former Oklahoma Legislator and Oklahoma County Assessor Leonard Sullivan passed away on Monday. Sullivan served in the Legislature from 1986 through 2004. He was the Oklahoma County Assessor from 2004 until he retired 14 years later.

While in the Legislature, Sullivan was known for real estate related bills and was not afraid to fight for his causes, but remain friendly to those on the other side of the issue.

“Leonard was famous. New legislators would ask me, ‘Is it true that on the House Floor Leonard said….’ and I would cut them off and say—YES, HE REALLY SAID THAT!” said his friend and chief deputy for Leonard during his county service, Larry Stein, who is currently serving as Oklahoma County Assessor.

“Leonard knew more jokes and funny stories and shared them with hundreds of friends.  He was a kind and generous leader, a great colleague and a wonderful friend.  The entire County Assessor family is heartbroken at our loss.”

Sullivan was married to his wife Marilyn for 63 years and has two daughters, Diana and Lee Ann.

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