Former co-chair of President Trump’s Oklahoma Campaign Carol Hefner has come out swinging at incumbent Mayor David Holt as she announced her candidacy for the Oklahoma City mayor’s race on Wednesday.
“We need a bold leader in the Mayor’s office, someone who won’t bow to BLM protestors or the Biden administration like our current Mayor. President Biden has a negative 50 point approval rating in Oklahoma, yet our current Mayor has become one of Biden’s biggest cheerleaders, endorsing Biden’s agenda,” Hefner said.
Hefner has served as Fundraising Chair for the Oklahoma Republican Party and Inaugural Coordinator for Governor Stitt.
Hefner joins Holt, Rose State College Professor Jimmy Lawson and Air Force veteran Frank Urbanic in the race.
The three day filing period for the race begins on December 6, 2021.
The Regular General Election is set for February 8, 2022. If no single candidate wins more than 50-percent of the vote, a runoff election will be held on April 5, 2022.
Upon the launch of the campaign, Hefner produced a video with several endorsements.
You can view Hefner’s campaign launch video below.

Wow!!! Another Trumper…GOP-we need to purge the party of Trump loving folks!
I beg to differ. We need to “purge” the RINOs and professional politicians out of the Republican Party. Trump’s style and tone may not be to your liking – so be it; that’s OK. Even Good Ol’ Ronnie Reagan had has flaws, missteps and anti-2nd Amendment laws passed.
We need Constitutional Conservatives in our Branches of Government, shrink the size of State, Local and Federal Governments before Orwell’s prophecies fully coe true.