Brecheen Comes Out Against Debt Limit Agreement

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be hard pressed to turn Congressman Josh Brecheen into a yes vote on the debt limit agreement bill. The process began today with the House Rules Committee hearing on H.R. 3746, dubbed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.

Brecheen says the Biden-McCarthy deal doesn’t do enough to address federal government spending.

“Ronald Reagan famously said, ‘if you got seventy-five or eighty percent of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later.’ The Biden-McCarthy agreement only includes approximately 1.3 percent or less ($12 billion) of the real year one savings that House Republicans passed several weeks ago with The Limit, Save, Grow Act (which achieved approx. $900 billion saved in year one). I cannot in good conscience vote for 1.3 percent of the deal we passed several weeks ago, using the year one savings as best measure of real impact. The Limit, Save, Grow Act first year savings were transformative and that bill also included eight major policy reforms, which were gutted with the proposed debt ceiling agreement with Biden. To not at least see Biden and the Democrats meet House Republicans half way on spending cuts and policy reform I believe is a missed opportunity that a nation heading towards a fiscal cliff cannot afford,” said Brecheen in a statement.

Unless there are changes to the measure, Brecheen doesn’t plan to vote for it.

“I cannot in good conscious vote for a deal that continues to kick the can down the road at the expense of our kids and grandkids. This is a huge missed opportunity to turn our nation away from a fiscal cliff and I urge my colleagues to vote NO on the Biden-McCarthy agreement as it currently stands,” Brecheen said.

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