State Chamber Names Five as Legislators of the Year

Two senators and three representatives are this year’s State Chamber of Oklahoma Legislators of the Year. For their efforts to bolster the state’s economy Senators Adam Pugh and Kristen Thompson along with Representatives Rhonda Baker, Mike Obsburn, and Suzanne Schreiber were recognized during the Chambers annual meeting.

“There were many public servants at the State Capitol that were supportive of our business community last session, but these five lawmakers went above and beyond for Oklahoma. They are a big part of the reason Oklahoma’s workforce is getting back on track and our economy is moving in the right direction,” said Chad Warmington, president and CEO of The State Chamber.

The legislators were involved with a range of workforce and economic development bills. They ranged from reworking educational requirements, the creation of the Oklahoma Workforce Commission, tax credits for employers who provide daycare assistance, and restructuring business recruitment.

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