Forty Opioid Settlement Grants Set for Distribution

More than $50 million in opioid settlement money will be shared among 40 cities, counties and other political subdivisions as the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office begins awarding the grants. The money can be used for recovery and treatment programs, as well as education, prevention, and other abatement initiatives.

Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond made the distribution of settlement funds a priority when he took office.

“The opioid epidemic continues to harm every region of our state,” Drummond said. “Oklahomans from all walks are threatened by fentanyl and other deadly opioids. Cities and counties that opted to participate in the settlement finally will have the opportunity to fund critical remediation initiatives to fight against this dreadful epidemic.”

Grant award sizes are contingent on population per capita, the number of opioid deaths in the political subdivision, and the number of opioids distributed.

The cities of Norman, McAlester and Tahlequah are set to receive the largest funding with Norman eligible for more than $1 million, McAlester eligible for more than $350,000 and Tahlequah eligible for more than $261,000.

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