The Senate sponsor of House Bill 1412, banning UN Agenda 21 from Oklahoma, has asked that the bill be pulled from the Senate Ethics Committee chaired by Senator Cliff Branan.
Senator Patrick Anderson, Enid Republican, told Branan he wants the bill pulled “out of respect for you and your family.”
Anderson’s action follows a vicious perosnal attack on Branan by Al Gerhart of the Sooner Tea Party.
“I am appalled at the personal attacks and the false accusations that you have endured regarding your family in an attempt to influence your decision to hear HB 1412,” Anderson wrote.
The House in March voted 67-17 to pass the bill.
Anderson’s action was among those in the wake of Gerhart’s attack on Branan. The Oklahoma City Tea Party disavowed any connection to him and other Tea Party leaders said Gerhart’s behavior is the reason they want nothing to do with him, Some of the comments can be read in The McCarville Report’s previous stories on the controversy.

Instead of punishing the citizens of Oklahoma by NOT hearing this bill in a committee, please push it directly to the Senate floor! WE the people deserve the Senate to hear this bill and vote on it.
As for Al Gerhart, you can have him banned from the Capitol grounds as a threat to any of you and all of us! Bring charges against him but don’t punish all of us who support the bill. Come on, don’t give in to this man’s tirade!!!! You are there to work for all of us… and we all want this bill heard and your votes on the record. We the people aren’t the threat, the UN taking over our nation is the threat.
For the sake of our state (and nation) don’t let this bad man stop good legislation because of his bad actions.
[…] Sen. Patrick Anderson (R-Enid), the bill’s sponsor, pulled the legislation Tuesday after Gerhart began to support the bill. Anderson described Gerhart’s claims as […]