Istook: Why All The New Heavily Armed Federal Agents?


Does the Environmental Protection Agency really need armed agents?

With insights, I’m Ernest Istook.

Over 70 non-military federal agencies now have their own armed agents.

You expect armed agents with the FBI, the U.S. Marshal Service and the Border Patrol.

But the EPA? The Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, even the Social Security Administration and the National Institutes of Health? Even the Department of Education and the Department of Housing and Urban Development have their own armed agents.

As do the Food and Drug Administration. And Veterans Affairs. Even the Government Printing Office and the National Zoo. And of course the Library of Congress

Collectively, over 25,000 individuals now work as armed agents of federal agencies not usually associated with law enforcement.

These are not just guards. These agents go out on raids to enforce the orders of federal bureaucracies. No bureaucracy should have a private army to enforce its orders against the American people.

With insights, I’m Ernest Istook.

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  1. Kevin Posey, 21 April, 2014

    Why isn’t Congress cutting funding for the firearms and ammo in these agencies budgets?

  2. Mark, 21 April, 2014

    I’ve been listening to Ernest Istook’s radio show on KZLS 1640 AM and he is brilliant. Plain spoken, to the point and makes excellent sense.

  3. Norma, 24 April, 2014

    Don’t forget about our very own Insurance Commissioner spending $180,000.00 for weapons!


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