Gun Owners of America today announced its endorsement of Rep. Mike Turner in his bid to win the Republican nomination Congress in the 5th District.
“We’re proud to announce our support of Mike Turner in Oklahoma,” said Tim Macy, Vice-Chairman of the organization.
“Time and time again, Mike has proven that he’s an unwavering conservative champion of the 2nd Amendment. He has a record of standing up for our freedom and liberty, and will roll up his sleeves to defend our rights.”
During his service in the Oklahoma Legislature, Mike Turner has even taken on members of his own party, including the governor of Oklahoma. Just this month, his bill to safeguard the rights of law-abiding gun owners became law in spite of a veto from Gov. Fallin.
“For the first time in 50 years, a GOP governor in Oklahoma had a veto overridden. It was the first override of a non-abortion issue in 30 years and the first time in over 30 years an Oklahoma governor was overridden by a majority held by the same party,” Macy explained.
“Mike Turner made that happen. He’s been in the trenches, fighting for our rights, and he’s made history doing so.”
The Republican Primary for Oklahoma’s Fifth Congressional District will be held on June 24th.

Has Mike Turner ever used a gun in his life? More importantly other than a gun bill that was passed unanimously through the State Legislature only being voted against by a total of 4 members in the State Legislature (all Democrats) before being vetoed by the Governor
So how has Mike Turner rolled up his sleeves to viciously defend the second amendment ? Other than a gun bill that was passed unanimously through the State Legislature only being voted against by a total of 4 members in the State Legislature (all Democrats) before being vetoed by the Governor and unanimously overridden by both Chambers.
It is also an absolute disgrace the this organization would even have the audacity to also say that Rep. Turner has been “in the trenches fighting for our rights” when there are men and women that truly are right now in trenches fighting and defending for our rights and freedom each and every day.
Thanks for your outstanding “leadership”
It’s funny how these obscure gun groups are coming out of the woodwork to endorse their friends. In this case, an out-of-state organization has endorsed Mike Turner over another candidate (Steve Russell) who owns a GUN MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. How can you be more pro-gun than that?
In another article, I see that the Legislative Director of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (whatever that is) has endorsed his friend TW Shannon, as though Shannon is more pro-gun than Brogdon or Lankford.
This is Oklahoma. Everybody is pro-gun and pro-Second Amendment. Getting these endorsements from these obscure pro-gun organizations is like getting a weather forecast in Oklahoma that calls for wind.