A newly released memorandum from a pollster claims T.W. Shannon has regained the momentum in the race for the U.S. Senate.
He Says It’s A 39-37 Race
And pollster Glen Bolger, who works for a “dark group” supporting Shannon, says a runoff election is likely. He said that his poll, completed Monday night, shows Shannon at 37 percent and Lankford at 39 percent.
Poll Puts Brogdon, Others At Just 6%
Bolger, who is a partner in Public Opinion Strategies, noted dramatic swings in polling numbers since the race started, but he says it’s now a two-point race with former state Senator Randy Brogdon and others garnering
only six percent between them.
The volatility of this race has garnered considerable national attention and major political news outlets are keying on every new development…and every new poll regardless where it came from.
It’s likely there will at least one more objective poll before the vote on June 24th.
The last objective media poll, SoonerPoll, had also shown a dead-even race. The polling can fluctuate wildly depending on who is on television at the time the poll is taken.
Pro-Lankford Poll Showed 22% Lead
Bolger is working for Oklahomans for a Conservative Future, which has spent more than a million dollars backing Shannon. A Lankford SuperPAC poll a few weeks ago maintained that its candidate had a 22-point lead, but it wasn’t consistent with recent public polling showing a much closer contest.
Bolger is no stranger in Oklahoma political circles, having been the chief tracker for U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe, Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett and Republican legislative caucuses.
The Bolger poll included 600 Oklahomans and has a four percent margin of error.

Mr. Lankford did not keep his word when he ran he was for reigning in the debt and repealing obamacare. He was hired to do that job and did not. Goodby Eric and James.
Finally! Someone is paying attention! Thank you Mr. Grace.