Video: J. C. Watts Defends Shannon

Former Congressman J. C. Watts is featured in a new commercial from the T. W. Shannon campaign:

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  1. Hammer, 16 June, 2014

    I wonder if TW knew that JC Watts committed the unpardonable sin by voting to increase the debt ceiling 4 times while he was in office. (I notice that JC doesn’t mention his own votes to increase the debt ceiling in this ad.) Here are the dates from the Congressional Record…


    I guess that doesn’t really matter, now that he has his former boss’s endorsement. That’s the problem with candidate Shannon…situational ethics. If he (and his dark money group) are running ads condemning Lankford for voting for a debt ceiling increase, where was the outrage over JC’s votes 8 years ago?

  2. Tom, 17 June, 2014

    Politics creates amnesia in the political class!


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