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eunicePlease call YOUR SENATOR TODAY and request that they vote to approve the budget because you believe “THE BUDGET IS FAIR AND EQUITABLE AND PROTECTS OKLAHOMA’S MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS.”
The Oklahoma Aging Partnership (OAP) released its annual legislative report and wants your support. Read the full report:…/Oklahoma-Aging-Partnership-2014-Le…
Legislators are saying that it is NOT the job of the Legislature to provide a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens. There was an agreement on the budget. However, when the budget went to the House Floor for approval yesterday, it took over 6 hours of deliberation for the measure to pass. The budget now goes to the Senate Floor which will be even more contentious.
Find YOUR Senator on the attached document and call YOUR Senator’s office now. Call 405-524-0126 and ask to be connected to YOUR Senator’s office, or directly call YOUR Senator’s office.…/Senatedirectory2015.pdf
The OAP is a non-partisan coalition and what they are supporting (with your help) is the 2014 Legislative Report on Aging Issues proposals including:
Allow hospital patients to designate a caregiver that would be notified and consulted on how to care for the patient after discharge;
Amending the certificate of need application requirements for two not-for-profit life care communities;
Extending the sunset date for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority;
Allowing a valid and unexpired driver’s license to serve as both primary and secondary proofs of identification.
We are SO close…and this step is critical in the process.

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