Brogdon Attacks GOP Vice Chair Estela Hernandez

Brogdon and Estela Hernandez on the day of their election

Brogdon and Estela Hernandez on the day of their election

By Mike McCarville

Republican State Chairman Randy Brogdon erupted in anger today and attacked his vice chair, Estela Hernandez, after she attended a news conference critical of him.

Sources say Brogdon told her she would not be allowed to speak at Saturday’s State Committee meeting in Tulsa; state party rules, however, do no support such an edict. Hernandez reportedly told Brogdon she was going to speak and he couldn’t stop her.

At one point, Brogdon began berating Hernandez and both raised their voices.

Here’s her account of the incident:

Here’s what Brogdon said in an interview on KFAQ radio on Thursday morning:


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  1. Jake, 24 June, 2015

    I remember the last State Convention like it was yesterday (and it practically was) when Randy Brogdon stood on the platform, holding hands with his precious wife Donna pledging to unite the party….

    Where did that Brogdon go? If he treats his Vice Chair this way, how does he treat his wife? How long will the Party stand for this kind crap?

  2. Carol Hefner, 24 June, 2015

    Knew he was wrong for the party. It is absolutely destructive to have such a man in party leadership. Is there any way to impeach him?

  3. Seymour, 24 June, 2015

    Jake… I can’t find a better way to say it.. so, I will use this quote….

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln

    There is your answer to “where did he go”…

  4. Seymour, 24 June, 2015

    Totally unacceptable!! Is it too late for the Okla County group to amend the resolution that will be put forth this weekend to include the ouster of both Brodgon & Ryan? Brogdon has clearly shown it’s his way or no way – anyone out there still think you can “work with” someone like that? Anyone bringing so much division and negative publicity to our party has no business being the head of the party.

  5. randy barnett, 24 June, 2015

    rush to judgment by a few people getting 2nd and 3rd hand info is premature. Estela needs to beware who’ s feeding her info and guidance… BTW, you can’t “UNITE” a party .. there will always be factions, so that’s bull hockey. Stand your ground, Randy. the real battles await as grassroots activists seek to ouster a dirty dozen or two corporate lackeys and build alternative media networks

  6. Sylvia H. Morales, 24 June, 2015

    He wasn’t elected king! There are no “powers” detailed in the job description of the State Chairman! There are duties and responsibilities for which he is held accountable. One is to partner with the Vice-Chairman not “command or demand” compliance.
    He is working more like Obama! Hmmmm

  7. Forest, 25 June, 2015

    Disappointed in Brogdon, he may not have ever been able to ‘UNITE’ the party, but he sure knows how to bring it down. His show of extreme anger and frustration, lashing out at those around him, not impressed.

  8. The State GOP is doing great… | The Lost Ogle, 25 June, 2015

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