Tax Foundation: Boren Taxation Plan Would Produce Highest Tax Rate In Nation

taxesThe Tax Foundation has analyzed the David Boren Sales Tax increase proposal and has found it would propel Oklahoma to the highest state and local average sales tax rate in the country. The measure would also result in Oklahoma City and Tulsa having some of the highest state and local sales taxes combined in comparison to other high tax cities across the country.

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  1. Vernon Woods, 27 October, 2015

    When comparing what Boren pays in sales tax relative to his income to what I pay in sales tax relative to my income, dollars to doughnuts says that my percentage of sales tax is a bunch higher than his. So his percentage of education contribution is much lower than mine.

    Of course, that’s on top of his reduced income tax percent, which doesn’t affect me much at all.

    Thanks, David, for your fair and equitable proposal which, by the way, is totally at the mercy of the current economic conditions.

    Since schools currently depend on property taxes, how about a state ad valorem tax in place of your regressive sales tax game? More dependable and more equitable.

  2. John, 28 October, 2015

    Just what I thought. In addition to this proposed tax, here in Midwest City there is a vote on a sales tax increase for Fire/Police. Usually I vote for this type, but not this time.The Boren tax if enacted, will also kill any chance of Oklahoma county of getting support to finance a new jail. I will be voting no from now on for any tax increase.


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