Three more Oklahoma legislators are publicly showing support for Republican Presidential Nominee candidate Senator Marco Rubio. The campaign’s Oklahoma Chairman, Senator David Holt made the announcement on Tuesday.
The three lawmakers endorsing Rubio are Senator Frank Simpson of Springer, Representative Dan Kirby of Tulsa, and Representative Paul Wesselhoft of Moore.
“While the Democrats are stuck in the 1990s, Marco Rubio is prepared and ready to lead us into the 21st Century,” said Senator Simpson.
“Senator Marco Rubio is the most effective candidate for President, that is, if we really want to win, and not just make some political statement with another candidate,” said Rep. Wesselhoft.
Said Rep. Kirby, “Marco Rubio has the intelligence, experience and creative new ideas that are needed to move America forward. He is a leader and will be an excellent President.”
According to Holt, a total of 17 members of the Oklahoma Legislature have endorsed Rubio. Congressman Markwayne Mullin also voiced his support for the Florida Republican.

Uh, he’s not a Natural Born Citizen as he is an anchor baby. . Also, are these gentlemen endorsing Marco’s open borders position?
Paul may be a Demo, but he’s also an Okie, which makes him smarter than 99% of all the other Demos.
Marco Rubio??? Based upon what conservative credentials? And his voting record? Sheesh! The Wesselhoft endorsement is somewhat surprising, too Oh, well. Hence my growing penchant for referring to the elected ones as “rulers” rather than representatives.