Social Media: Hear The Bill, Senator Sykes

Midwest City Voters and Issues

But will State Senator Anthony Sykes allow the bill to be heard in his committee? He apparently keeps telling people he hasn’t refused to hear the bill in his committee. Yet he hasn’t heard the bill. So, MR. SYKES, WHEN WILL YOU HEAR THIS BILL?

From the op-ed…. “Here is a novel solution to crushing student debt: Become a government prosecutor, use civil forfeiture to take property from potentially innocent people, and then use the proceeds to pay off your loans.

That may sound far-fetched, but it is exactly the approach taken by one
Oklahoma district attorney who used forfeiture proceeds to pay off his loans. In another case, a district attorney lived rent free for years in a home confiscated through forfeiture.”

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  1. castor, 17 February, 2016

    For heaven’s sake, Senator Sykes, you’re supposed to be a conservative. When is it conservative to let law enforcement take someone’s property before a finding of guilt? They acted to stop that kind of nonsense as far back as 800 years ago! [See Clause 30 of the Magna Carta.]


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