State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister today joined a band of conservative leaders including U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe and state Attorney General Scott Pruitt, in endorsing Republican Tim Downing in House District 42.
“I trust Tim Downing to bring meaningful solutions to the challenges we face in education, and not just colorful rhetoric. Tim will support our teachers and stand with parents to fight for what really matters in our schools, and that’s the kids,” Hofmeister said. “I’m honored to support Tim Downing for state House.”
“Tim Downing is a great American who has shown his tenacity and courage as a prosecutor and JAG officer in the U.S. Army Reserve,” Inhofe said. “He understands the Constitution and the intent of its framers who believed more power belonged to the states, and less to the federal government.”
Downing worked as a legal fellow for Inhofe.
“I was proud to have Tim as a part of my team and know he will make a great representative for the people of House District 42,” Inhofe said.
Downing, who is an officer in the U.S. Army Reserve, an Assistant Attorney General, and a former assistant pastor, received the endorsement of the district’s current representative, Lisa J. Billy.
“Tim has a long-standing commitment to our traditional values, limited government and lower, but responsible, taxes. He understands that schools need our support, and that students deserve results,” Billy said. “Nobody will fight harder for rural Oklahoma than Tim Downing.”
Downing has served as an assistant in the state Attorney General’s office since 2011.
“As I’ve worked with Tim on many cases, I’ve seen first hand that he is a man of integrity. He is principled, professional and proficient. He has been an asset to the Attorney General’s office, and I know he will be a tremendous representative for the people of southern Oklahoma,” Pruitt said.
Downing is a native of rural southern Oklahoma. He grew up working on farms and graduated from a small rural high school in Garvin County.
Downing also worked two years for Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) on issues including opposition to Shariah law, defending Israel, opposing Obamacare, defending religious freedom protecting unborn children, fighting for military chaplains and defending traditional marriage.
“There are few people as committed to the Constitution and the rule of law as Tim Downing,” Sekulow said. “He is a great legal mind and a true conservative who will make the district and the state of Oklahoma proud.”

If Mr. Downing’s interests include public education, then why does his children attend a private school? Why would our State Supt support Mr. Downing, an attorney vs. a public school supt? These questions need to be answered by someone who truly is interested in PUBLIC EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!