Pollard Explains Convention Delegate Process

pollardnewOklahoma Republican Party

In anticipation of the Republican Party’s National Convention to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, in July, the Oklahoma Republican Party published this week the rules by which the state’s delegates will be selected to attend the convention.

OKGOP Chairman Pam Pollard explained, “The process we’re following is a fairly simple one that is spelled out in our state party’s rules. The goal has always been for the process to remain open and transparent and to reflect the will of the Republican voters in Oklahoma.”

In the coming weeks every state and territory will undergo a similar process in selecting delegates to represent the party’s voters in the process to choose a Republican nominee for president in Cleveland.

Pollard continued, “This week we have published the details of the delegate and elector selection process on our website for members of the media and those interested in serving as delegates.”

The OKGOP has also released the rules governing the nomination of electors to represent the party in the electoral college for the general election. One elector and one alternate will be elected from each congressional district along with two at the party’s state convention.

The document explaining the process can be viewed here and the nomination form can be downloaded here.

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