Prater Defends Asset Forfeiture

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater remains a staunch defender of civil asset forfeiture.

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  1. Jimbo, 28 July, 2016

    No oversight, no safeguards, no reason to believe it wont be abused and citizens the losers since they have to pay their own legal battles. The call is don’t touch our money stream, its the LAW. A law passed with no review by public until its a fact. No hint of civil oversight just “trust us” and hand over your assets. They stanchly refuse to even discuss modification for fear of losing money stream.

  2. Ol Feller, 31 July, 2016

    Jimbo, As a former LEO I agree with your comment 100 %.
    Mr. Prater, It’s “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”, not the other way around.


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