Cole: A Time to be Grateful

By Congressman Tom Cole

cole2The past few weeks have brought profound and monumental change to the United States. While America remains a deeply divided country from a political standpoint, we all have many blessings to reflect upon – individually and collectively.  I know my family and I do.  Thanksgiving is a treasured time to gather with family and friends and to celebrate this time-honored American tradition.

Although the story of Thanksgiving that most Americans allude to involves the first colonists and Native Americans, the designation of celebrating this day as a federal holiday came over a century later. This national holiday received its first federal recognition from George Washington in 1789, as a day for Americans to show gratitude for the era of a new nation. Other presidents such as John Adams and James Madison also participated in proclaiming a “day of thanks.”

Thanksgiving did not become an official holiday until President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it in 1863. President Lincoln was faced with a nation burdened by war, and designated Thanksgiving to be a day to pray for those suffering from war and to “heal the wounds of the nation.” This Thanksgiving, we would be wise to emulate his admonishment and reflect on the blessings that we have as citizens of the United States of America.

This Thanksgiving, I’ll be reflecting on the hope for a unified America and a nation that is on its way to greater prosperity. In the coming months we will take steps to make health care more affordable and accessible to all Americans. Many onerous federal regulations on businesses will be eliminated, so that our economy can grow and more Americans can get back to work. And our tax system will be reformed in a way that will treat individuals and small businesses in a simpler and more equitable way. With many challenges facing our nation, I believe Congress is ready to roll up our shirt sleeves and get to work in January with a new President and a fresh outlook.

I realize there a number of our fellow citizens who are disappointed in the results of the election, and having been on the other side of victory myself a few times, I understand and can sympathize with their disappointment.  But I would urge everyone to take time this Thanksgiving season to reflect on the bountiful blessings we enjoy as Americans. We are a free and prosperous people with God given rights that are enshrined in our Constitution. We are blessed with abundant resources. And, despite our political disagreements, we remain one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.  For this, we all have reason to give thanks.

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