Senate Republicans Reveal Agenda

By Jason Doyle Oden

Oklahoma Senate Republicans provided an overview of their agenda for the upcoming session.

“This agenda is our vision of how we’ll make an already great state even better. Because the decisions we make at the Capitol have a long-term impact, it’s important we have a plan of where we want to guide Oklahoma in 5, 10 and 20 years. Senate Republicans are united in our desire to implement ideas and policies that will help our state’s economy grow and put us on a long-term path to prosperity. Helping our economy grow means more good-paying jobs for Oklahoma families and more resources to fund core government services without raising taxes,” said President Pro Tem Mike Schulz.

The economic platform is meant to streamline regulations, provide more stability, reliability and transparency in the state budgeting process, promote economic development and diversification, support transportation infrastructure, and identify job-creating tax incentives while eliminating the ones suggested by the Incentive Evaluation Commission.

Senate Republican’s education platform includes removing obstacles to the teacher in the classroom, pay for a teacher raise through reduction of administrative costs and overhead, more local control for parents, taxpayers and local school boards, ensure accountability measures provide information to parents and taxpayers on school performance.

One the public safety side, Senate Republicans want to support law enforcement officers and the rights of citizens, oversee criminal justice reforms, provide oversight to law enforcement agencies while encouraging cooperation to eliminate duplication.

The Senate Republicans also have plans to promote a healthier Oklahoma, supporting families by encouraging more foster care and adoption services, reform social service programs, allow non-profits and faith-based organization to fill the gaps in social services, and support veterans and military families.

“With a bold vision and leadership, our state can be a model that shows free-market, conservative ideas can empower the individual and foster a thriving economy. There are challenges ahead in the short term, but we want Oklahomans to know we are planning for the long-term and are working on policies that will benefit Oklahoma families and businesses,” said Majority Floor Leader Greg Treat.

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  1. castor, 27 January, 2017

    This is a useful agenda with some laudable goals. Two caveats:

    1.Any time you give an across-the-board pay raise that rewards the worst teachers as much as the best teachers, you’re telling the best teachers to find another gig.

    2.School choice ought to be in there in plain words. “More local control for parents” is oblique at best.

  2. Jimbo, 29 January, 2017

    With their agenda they will reduce education administration costs? not Likely, Will they make CAF more of a law enforcement tool or just a revenue stream for County Sheriffs? Keep and eye on their agenda.


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