Several House members Tuesday told The McCarville Report that Speaker Charles McCall had replaced Rep. Leslie Osborn as House Appropriations and Budget Chair with Vice Chair Kevin Wallace. A couple of hours later that was confirmed by the Speaker’s Office with a press release.
McCall believes Wallace will be able to handle budget duties for the House.
“Representative Wallace performed very well last session during the most challenging fiscal revenue situation in recent memory,” said Speaker McCall. “He works well with our entire caucus, and he has the experience, diligence and skill set to serve Oklahoma well in this very important role. I am looking forward to working with him as we continue budget discussions in the coming weeks.”
Of course, Wallace is thankful to receive the job.
“I am very appreciative of the confidence Speaker McCall has in me,” said Rep. Wallace. “Speaker McCall showed strong leadership last session, and I am looking forward to working with the Speaker as we lead our budget efforts on behalf of Oklahomans during the coming months. There is a lot of work to do between now and the beginning of session, and I am ready to getting started.”
Osborn’s dismissal as Chair of the House A&B Committee came on the heels of her criticism of House Leadership in handling the Department of Human Services cuts. Being replaced comes as a disappointment to Osborn.
“Speaker McCall’s decision to relieve me of my duties as Chair of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee is his to make. I am disheartened by his decision, but I am not deterred in my desire to work for the betterment of our wonderful State. Oklahomans are calling out for leadership, and I intend to answer their call. Oklahomans across the state have told me they are utterly disgusted at the divisive way we conduct our business at the State Capitol. It is a sad day when we cannot have an honest conversation about the major financial and budget issues we face as a state. I have always been willing to find solutions through conversations instead of conflict. Be assured, I will continue to stand up for finding achievable solutions to the myriad of problems in Oklahoma that keep us mired in mediocracy. I am here to serve and serving Oklahomans is what I intend to do. To that end, I want to say thank you for the overwhelming support I’ve received from members of the House and the public since this news was released. I’m humbled and uplifted by this sincere support. I also appreciate Speaker McCall allowing me the privilege to chair this committee.”

Good move BUT NOT TO PUT K wallace in the seat. that wouldn’t be any better, he’s a RINO. unfortunately he’s our rep. and hasn’t made things better.
Well good… it was embarrassing how she couldn’t even get a budget put together last session. Maybe her problem is she doesn’t know how to work with others or lead in budget discussions. It was deplorable how they rolled out bills at the last minute and then tried to spin it into something else. Obviously she doesn’t know how to get along with her fellow Republicans OR the democrats!
Your folks just don’t get it. The republicans are FAILING at leading this state. I’m not leaving the party…the party is leaving me!