HD71 Recount Will Take Place Next Week

The Oklahoma Republican Party, on behalf of House District 71 candidate Katie Henke, has requested a recount in the race Democat Dan Arthrell won by three votes on Tuesday.

Arthrell and Henke each picked up two votes from today’s count of provisional ballots and two ballots were disqualified.

“I want to thank the election board for their work through this recount process,” said Henke. “I feel that it is of the utmost importance, and I have an obligation to the voters of House District 71 to, as Ronald Reagan said ‘trust, but verify’ these results.”

“I look forward to the recount process, this campaign will continue,” concluded Henke.

“We always preach ‘every vote matters,” said OKGOP Chairman Matt Pinnell. “Therefore, we must make sure every vote is fairly and properly counted in District 71 according to the law. Once the recount process is finished, we look forward to continuing our campaign to elect a common-sense conservative Republican to this seat in November.”

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