An Unclear Future for Pruitt Despite Support from Trump

As EPA Administrator, former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has been in the limelight lately. Most recently, Pruitt held a press conference to announce the rollback of Obama era limits on carbon emissions from automobiles as a move to help spur the U.S. auto industry.

Recently, it was rumored that Pruitt was being considered as a replacement to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions because of his experience as Oklahoma’s A.G.

However, Pruitt also has been the focus of bubbling controversies ranging from expensive travel, to cheap rent from an energy lobbyist’s wife, to two EPA employees from Oklahoma receiving raises after the White House rejected the request.

On Wednesday, The Oklahoman published a story quoting sources that Pruitt has received a vote of confidence from President Trump. Pruitt also responded to some of the controversies swirling around him in a Fox News interview with Ed Henry.

While its claimed that Trump has said he has Pruitt’s back because he supports the EPA rolling back regulations which have been a drag on some American industries, it doesn’t mean Pruitt is in the clear. A recent example of someone receiving support from the President and then being dismissed from the Administration is former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin.

The D.C. media seemed to forecast former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s firing frequently, especially after it was alleged that Tillerson said some unflattering things about Trump in a meeting. The President would state his support of Tillerson on a regular basis. It wasn’t until the possibility of direct talks with North Korea that Tillerson lost his job while he was on an official State Department trip overseas.

Only time will tell what Pruitt’s future will be with the Trump Administration.

The Oklahoman story can be found here.

You can watch Pruitt’s interview with Fox News’ Ed Henry below.

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  1. vernon Woods, 05 April, 2018

    Hopefully, when he gets the expected boot from Trump, they will find him another job in DC, and keep him out of OK.


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