Costello Raises More than a Quarter Million for Campaign in First Quarter ’18

Cathy Costello showed a strong fundraising effort in the first quarter of this year. Her campaign for Labor Commissioner raised $274,329 during the last three months. That includes a personal loan from Costello to the campaign.

At the end of the quarter, the Costello campaign had more than $520,000.

“It makes me feel very optimistic about Oklahoma when I meet people just as dedicated to our future as I am,” Cathy Costello says.  “When I share my vision of finally addressing mental health as a labor issue, saving lives and money by improving workplace safety, and preparing our kids for the workforce of tomorrow, I always see Republicans nodding their heads in agreement.  These are conservative issues we must prioritize.”

Costello is running against Rep. Leslie Osborn for the Republican nomination which will be decided in June.

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