Oklahoma State Election Board Counts Record Number of Registered Voters

According to the Oklahoma State Election Board, the state has its highest number of registered voters since statistics began being recorded in 1960. The count reveals 2,126,897 people are registered to vote. That’s 111,000 more voters than at the same time last year.

Republicans have held onto their lead with 1,008,775 or 47.4 percent of registered voters. Democrats have 777,770 registered voters or 36.6 percent. Independents number 331,078 or 15.6 percent. The fledgling Libertarian Party now has 9,274 registered members or .4 percent.

“As Oklahoma’s chief election official, I am very encouraged by today’s voter registration statistics. Our state saw a big increase in voter engagement in 2018, and I am hopeful that this trend will continue through 2019 and into the 2020 elections,” said Paul Ziriax, Secretary of the State Election Board. “For eligible citizens who are not currently registered to vote, there is no time like the present.”

For a break down of registrations by county and district visit the Oklahoma State Election Board’s website here.

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  1. Deb Schaer, 16 January, 2019

    Were all of the new registrants “eligible”?


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