Lankford to Introduce Bill to Protect Israel at UN

With talk about downgrading Israel’s status at the United Nations, U.S. Senator James Lankford is teaming up with U.S. Senator Jim Risch to introduce legislation which would cut off funding to the UN if that happened. The Stand with Israel Act would cut off U.S. funding to UN agencies that expel, downgrade, suspend, or otherwise restrict the state of Israel’s participation.

“Israel deserves to have the world’s full support in their defense against unspeakable terrorism,” said Lankford. “Our greatest ally in the Middle East has faced vicious attacks since their founding in 1948, but the latest all-out assault from the Iranian regime and their terrorist proxies intends to wipe Israel off the map. I will not walk away from Israel as the world tries to justify terrorism.”

Lankford and Risch plan to introduce the legislation when Congress returns in November.

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