Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond would like to see House Bill 2163 become law. The measure gives statutory authority to the Public Access Counselor unit within the Office of the Attorney General to investigate non-compliance with the Open Records and Open Meetings Act.
The measure is awaiting a hearing on the Oklahoma House floor.
“Transparency and accountability are critical for a government truly answerable to the people,” said Drummond. “Citizens have a right to know how their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent and what their elected officials are doing to improve their lives.”
HB 2163 is authored by Representative John Pfeiffer and Senator Brent Howard.
Drummond created the position shortly after taking office. While the position has been able to work with state agencies, boards, and commissions to ensure open records requests are being filled and that open meetings laws are being followed, it has no authority to investigate and prosecute any unlawful acts.
“It is my hope that legislators will ensure the Open Records and Open Meeting Acts have teeth by approving HB 2163,” said Drummond.