Terrorist Suspect Residing in OKC Arrested Ahead of Planned Election Day Attack

The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday announced the arrest and filing of charges against Afghan national Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi for allegedly planning an Election Day attack on behalf of ISIS. The FBI caught wind of Tawhedi and a teenaged accomplice selling family assets, moving family members out of the country, and trying to by arms for the attack.

Tawhedi was living in Oklahoma City.

The FBI through a confidential human source arranged to meet with Tawhedi in rural Oklahoma to discuss the possible purchase of AK-47 rifles, magazines, and ammunition. When Tawhedi and the underaged accomplice followed through with the purchase, they were arrested.

“This defendant, motivated by ISIS, allegedly conspired to commit a violent attack, on Election Day, here on our homeland,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “I am proud of the men and women of the FBI who uncovered and stopped the plot before anyone was harmed. Terrorism is still the FBI’s number one priority, and we will use every resource to protect the American people.”

U.S. Senator James Lankford, who is a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has been in contact with the FBI about Tawhedi’s case.

“The charges brought against Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi in Oklahoma for plotting an Election Day terrorist attack on US soil is a stark reminder that our nation continues to face threats from those who hate our freedom and want to do us harm. I’m grateful to the FBI, especially the Oklahoma FBI Field Office, and our local law enforcement agencies for their vigilance and dedication to protect our communities. Their swift action prevented what could have been a devastating attack.

“Tawhedi is Afghan refugee with ties to ISIS. With the escalating conflict in Israel and across the Middle East, we must remain vigilant against terrorism here at home. Oklahomans know well that many of the Afghan refugees in our communities fought side by side with American troops against the terrorism that attacked our nation on 9/11 and destroyed the nation of Afghanistan.

Governor Kevin Stitt also issued a statement after learning of Tawhedi’s arrest.

“I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our investigators and law enforcement officers for successfully uncovering and stopping this terrorist plot before innocent lives were put in danger. This is a powerful example of how the information-sharing measures we implemented between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies are making a real difference.

“Those who seek to harm our nation, threaten our freedoms, and disrupt our way of life will be held accountable and face the full force of the law,” said Stitt.

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