The Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC) has endorsed former Senator Randy Brogdon in the Republican primary for the U. S. Senate.
Brogdon “received the rousing endorsement from one of the most influential grassroots organizations in Oklahoma,” an OCPAC news release said.
OCPAC is headed by longtime GOP conservative activist Charlie Meadows.
Brogdon said; “I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of OCPAC, their devotion to grassroots activism and their conservative credentials are unassailable. I’m glad they were able to see who the true conservative is in this race. James Lankford has a 64% conservative rating or a ‘D,’ TW Shannon has a 74% conservative rating or a ‘C’ and I have a 93% lifetime conservative or a ‘A.’ I’ll let the record speak for itself.
“My opponent TW Shannon has adopted my line that I coined at the beginning of my campaign that I would go to Washington DC ‘not to manage the mess there, but the dismantle it’ and I intend to do just that” Brogdon said. “If mimicking is the highest form of flattery, then I suppose I should be flattered that Speaker Shannon has come my way. Now, if he would only agree to not vote for Mitch McConnell as Republican Leader in the Senate, then he’d really make a statement that he understands the mess there.
“As I have said during this and other campaigns, I will not seek endorsements” Brogdon said. “Endorsements come based on shared values and while some national organizations continue to watch this race closely, I look forward to the only endorsements that really matter, endorsements by my wife Donna, my family, my close friends, and the thousands of Oklahomans who desire a candidate who can be trusted to follow the Constitution all the time, every time, no exceptions. I believe OCPAC’s endorsement confirms that.”

This is news?
Sounds like a good reason to NOT vote for Brogdon – a few people run everyone of the PACs and they should NOT run this country – educate yourselves and make your decisions based on facts, not what a few monied want you to think.