Tomorrow at 11:00 AM, protesters will gather outside the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame at 40th Street and Lincoln Blvd in opposition of Senator Ted Cruz’s visit to Oklahoma as the keynote speaker at an Oklahoma Republican Party fundraiser luncheon.
FOOTNOTE: It is reported that FOUR Democrat protestors showed up.

…and the legislature is bending over backwards and passing new laws to encourage and make it easier for more democrat voter participation, right?
[…] Mike McCarville of The McCarville Report first noted protesters would gather Saturday outside the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame at 40th Street and […]
I’m sure somewhere in the media, it will be reported that hundreds of thousands of people “identified” as protesters in spirit, the same way Bruce Jenner identifies as a woman, and Hillary identifies as an honest woman, George Stephanopolus identifies as a journalist, Al Gore as a scientist, etc, etc.