[The McCarville Minute is broadcast via the Internet on Cam & Company at NRANews.com and on SiriusXM Satellite Radio Patriot Channel 125 Monday nights at 9:15 CDT.]
Attorney General Eric Holder is no Johnny-come-lately to gun control.
A videotape has surfaced that shows him advocating gun control way back in 1995 and, scarier yet, he then advocted using Hollywood, the news media and government to “really brainwash people” into opposing the legal ownership of guns.
Holder was U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia speaking to the Women’s National Democratic Club when he made the brainwash statement.
He said, “What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”
Now, if Holder had said, we need to convince young people from unstable homes who are gang members and dope dealers to avoid firearms and quit killing people on the streets, we’d agree with that.
In 1995, Holder said that he wanted to use influential figures like then-Washington Mayor Marion Barry (a doper, by the way) and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, as well as widely watched tv shows to forward his anti-gun campaign. He sought to push that same agenda through public schools as well, “every day, every school, at every level.”
Sounds like government propaganda to me…and we all know what government propaganda did to Germany in the 1930s.
I’m Mike McCarville here on Cam and Company.
Say it again! …and again! …and again!