Add former Trump Administration official Alex Gray to the growing list of candidate to fill the unexpired term of retiring U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe. Gray served as the Chief of Staff of the National Security Council under President Trump.
“It is important during this period when our country is being subjected to the radical policies of Joe Biden that we elect an America First conservative to the Senate,” Gray said.
“The current 50-50 split in the Senate is terrifying, and we must keep the seats we have and add additional ones in the 2022 election cycle. Republicans in the Senate are the last line of defense against court-packing, the Green New Deal, radical liberal judges, and 40 year-high inflation under the Biden administration.”
Gray believes his experience in the Trump Administration will be helpful if he wins the seat.
“I was honored to serve President Trump every day of his presidency in the White House, and I will continue President Trump’s America First mission in the Senate and fight for the same conservative policies that helped our country prosper under his leadership. I am looking forward to introducing myself to the people of Oklahoma and sharing our vision not only for Oklahoma but our country’s future,” Gray said.