Lankford Reacts to ISIS Border Arrests

U.S. Senator James Lankford took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to renew his call for improved border security and immigration policies in light of eight individuals with links to ISIS arrested by the FBI after crossing over.

Lankford warns if the U.S. doesn’t take action to secure the border, “we are literally living on borrowed time.”

He points to how “Special Interest Aliens” are handled.

“The bill that I brought to this body would have changed the way we did screening dramatically, would have taken all these issues about terrorism from the end of the process, and moved it to the beginning. So that we’re not releasing people and then trying to figure out if we can chase them. Right now, what’s really happening day to day is that individuals crossing our border, we’re hoping that the FBI can pick up any information on them after they’re already released into the country,” said Lankford.

You can watch Lankford’s speech below.

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