Stitt Issues “Oklahoma Phone-Free School” Challenge

Governor Kevin Stitt is encouraging students, teachers, and superintendents to submit their ideas to help limit the distractions in the classroom caused by cell phones. He’s calling it the Oklahoma Phone-Free School Challenge.

“Cell phones are useful tools, but far too often, they cause distractions in the classroom. I know we can’t solve a problem like this with a top-down, heavy-handed government mandate. I know our students and teachers have the creative and innovative minds to solve this problem in their classroom, so I want to empower them to do just that. That’s why we’re launching the Oklahoma Phone-Free School Challenge,” said Stitt.

School Districts have until November 29th to submit their ideas to the Governor’s Office. Then they will be reviewed by Secretary of Education Nellie Sanders and Chief Advisor of Health and Mental Health Ellen Buettner for possible inclusion in a “best practices” report. That will be shared with the Governor and Legislative Leaders after the first of next year.

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