Cole Urges Joining Obama On Tax Rate Vote


Republican Rep. Tom Cole urged colleagues in a private session Tuesday to  vote to extend the Bush tax rates for all but the highest earners before the end  of the year — and to battle over the rest later.

The Oklahoma Republican said in an interview with POLITICO that he believes  such a vote would not violate Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge and that he’s  not alone within Republican circles.

At a meeting of the House GOP whip team earlier in the day, he  made the case that Republicans would strengthen their position by joining hands  with President Barack Obama now to give most taxpayers what he calls “an early  Christmas present” of ensuring their taxes don’t go up on Jan. 1.

Cole’s position is striking because he’s hardly a “squish” — Norquist’s term  for a weak-kneed lawmaker — when it comes to Republican orthodoxy. Cole served  as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and in other  official posts within the party.

He might also provide cover for other Republicans looking to make an  agreement to avoid a sharp fall off the so-called fiscal cliff.

“I think we ought to take the 98 percent deal right now,” he said of freezing  income tax rates for all but the top 2 percent of earners. “It doesn’t mean I  agree with raising the top 2. I don’t.”

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  1. Edmond Voter, 28 November, 2012

    So if they start breaking this promise of not raising taxes, where will it end???? Why not just jump in bed with Obama and help him destroy this economy completely. Didn’t the GOP learn their lesson in the 90s when they tried to outspend the democrats? Republicans have to be the party that stands up for America because we can never out spend or out tax the democrats! Tom Cole needs to quit trying to play nice and get a backbone! Making deals with a democrat only result in one thing… higher taxes, an economy that is crashing, and Republicans losing!

  2. dick grace, 28 November, 2012

    With our republican progressives it never ends.

  3. Bob Moore, 28 November, 2012

    First – letting Obama lead our country down the wrong road. Second – how long will this keep the Bush Tax Cuts in place?? When you do business with a liar like Obama – you can expect to be cheated and lied to.

    Bob Moore

  4. Joe Voter, 28 November, 2012

    What are the real choices here? Given the law and Obama’s victory, aren’t the choices A) raise taxes on everyone when the Bush tax cuts expire or B) raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% when the Bush tax cuts expire. To me, Cole takes the conservative position. If we go for Option C — fully extend the Bush tax cuts, we get an Obama veto and Republicans are blamed for raising taxes on everyone — because that is where the MSM will go.

  5. Richard Engle, 29 November, 2012

    The compromise will be worse than the cliff.


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