Board of Education Considers Actions in Wake of Executive Session AG Opinion

Thursday’s meeting of the Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting did not have an executive session on the agenda, however, it was a major topic of discussion for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters and the Board Members.

Late on Wednesday afternoon, they received Attorney General Gentner Drummond’s formal opinion confirming legislators’ right to be in attendance during executive session if they are on a committee with jurisdiction over an agency.

The Oklahoman’s Murray Evans and Jordan Gerard write members lamented “confusion that has been created by the communication from the attorney general’s office.” They did not take action on possibly taking the matter to court, instead wanting more time to consult with their counsel.

At recent meetings, legislators have been turned away from Board of Education executive sessions spurring increased interest from lawmakers who sit on legislative education committees.

Read The Oklahoman story here.

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